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Rules Of Business
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The business conduct principles and rules set out in this policy are provided as the governing standards to ensure that we promote the Supreme Maritime Surveyors (P) Limited, (hereinafter the "Company") vision and meet our targets in an ethical, honest and legal manner.

Behavior :
The company conducts its business with honesty and integrity. The Company competes fairly and ethically within the framework of applicable competition laws.

Laws and Regulations: The Company complies with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which the Company operates or under which the Company has any contractual association.

Confidentiality of Company Information :
All Personnel must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, reproduce or make available in any form any confidential Company information. This applies to internal Company matters, as well as industry information other than that which is generally available to the public and extends beyond the termination of employment / contractual relationship.

Conflict of Interest :
All Personnel must pay particular attention to conflict of interest issues. If an employee is faced with a situation in which his or her personal financial, political or other interests or those of individuals or entities close to them may conflict with that of the Company, they must report it immediately to their Management. In this respect, no Personnel shall acquire an interest or accept a position as consultant or part-time employee with a competitor, a supplier or a customer without prior written agreement of his or her Management.

Insider Trading :
Each individual working for or with the Company who has access through his or her position in the Company to privileged non-public information, which could influence the price of the shares of the Company, or companies with which the Company has a business relationship, shall not engage in divulging such information nor trade in those shares, or any other financial instruments, including exercising share options.

Proper Accounting and Record Keeping : All transactions on behalf of the Company's entities must be appropriately described in the records of the Company and accounted for in accordance with the Management System and may be subject to audit. No secret or unrecorded fund of money or other assets is to be established or maintained.

Ethical Conduct, Disclosure and Compliance :
The Company promotes honest and ethical conduct and adopts relevant policies that mandate full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in the reports and documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and in other public communications by the Company, as well as strict compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations.

Internal Control System :
Management is committed to establish, maintain, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of a business-wide internal control system including, but not limited to, detailed procedures for surveying and valuations, inventory controls, accounting, financial reporting and disclosure. Appropriate guidelines for the internal control structure and the disclosure controls and procedures are defined within the relevant policies and work instructions.

Relationships with Government Officials, Customers, Suppliers and Partners :
These relationships should be conducted ethically and in compliance with local and international statutory requirements and standards applicable to local subsidiaries as well as to the Company's parent company. Gifts within the context of business relationships or activities should not be given, directly or indirectly, or accepted, directly or indirectly, if they could be considered extravagant. Similarly, entertainment should not be extended or received if it could be seen as extravagant or unduly frequent.

Joint Ventures :
When participating in joint ventures, the Company promotes the application of the above principles and rules in the management of the joint venture operation.

Applicability & Enforcement :
The Company's policy on business conduct is applicable to all directors, permanent and temporary members of staff, including the Chief Executive Officer, (the principal accounting officer), contractors and consultants (hereinafter the "Personnel") and should be complied with at all times. In line with the principles of this policy, all Personnel are expected to carry out their duties and maintain their internal and external relationships in a professional manner with utmost integrity while avoiding any conflict of interest. The Company will not tolerate any breach of this policy. Individuals found to be in breach of the rules of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of Service.

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